Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thought Dump

I came across this today while scanning some nostalgia.  It is from a book I filled out from Kindergarten through 11th grade.  It had entries for teachers' names, friends, activities, and fun little facts that are fun to remember for every grade.  But I noticed this "Height and Weight" section and how it changed through the years.  For all of elementary school and most of middle school, I just wrote in my weight.  As the years crept on, I started writing my weight in smaller and smaller until getting to 10th grade where I just wrote "enough".  By the time 11th grade rolled around, I just left it blank.
I turned 15 about half way through 10th grade.  And I'll be turning 30 in one month and one day.  That's half my lifetime of being unhappy with my weight.  HALF.  Ouch.
At this exact moment, I am 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant with my first baby.  I obviously will not be shedding any weight over the next 25 weeks, but I'll be doing my best to keep my gain under control.  After the baby comes, I'll not only have to lose the 40 pounds that I was overweight to begin with, but I'll also be losing any additional weight I've gained.  At this exact point in my pregnancy, I've only gained 5 pounds.  My doctor recommended I gain 25-35 pounds.  We'll see how that pans out.
My ultimate goal is to weigh between 150 and 160 pounds.  For 5'4", that's not horribly skinny.  I feel like it's a healthy, attainable goal.  I've only weighed in that range twice in my adult life.  I will achieve that again and finally maintain it.
Here's to growing a healthy baby while keeping myself healthy.  And being a healthy mother after the baby's arrival.  I look forward to documenting this very special time in my life!


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